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Instant Patient Newsletter Tutorials

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(Recommended: view in high resolution full screen mode by clicking on the bottom right of each video)




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How To Select The Look and Feel Of Your Newsletter

You get to choose from several different templates, and you can preview all the templates by clicking here. If you want to view the individual templates, please click on any of the following links, standard, bold, breeze, modern, meadow, spring and infinity templates.

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How To Customize Contact Information and Newsletter Content

Customize your newsletter, update and edit the articles, include your own content, add your own description, logo, links and contact information in your newsletter.

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How To Add Images and Create / Upload Your Own Newsletter Banners

Transform your newsletter to reflect YOUR OWN clinic and brand identity! Create, customize and upload your own banner, images and logos. Provide a fully customized and branded newsletter for your patients.

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How To Control What The Subscriber Sees After Signing Up For Your Newsletter (Thank You Page Customization)

We give you the ability to customize the page that your subscriber sees, when they sign up for your newsletter from your website. This is a unique opportunity to offer them a special offer or promotion, so they contact your clinic and become patients. Don't lost this opportunity to convert a website prospect into a potential patient.

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How To Customize Your Email Verification Message and Use Excel Sheets For Email Upload and Fax Transmission

When uploading an excel sheet for email upload into your account, make sure it is a .csv file with one email address per line. Also, we strongly recommend you keep your email verification turned on, because we have strict anti-spam policies. If you turn the verification email off and upload a large email list (in excess of 100 patients), we will closely monitor your account for spam complaints. In the event of any spam complaints, the email verification message will be turned on permanently. No exceptions.

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How To Customize Your Ebooks With Your Name and Contact Information

Learn how to download and customize the DONE-FOR-YOU patient stimulator ebooks, and make them available for download in your own newsletter! Provide patients with valuable resources branded with YOUR information. As a client, you have 100% rights to re-use and modify the content in these ebooks. You can also print and hand them out to patients and doctors as educational resources.

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How To Feature Physicans, Patients and Local Businesses In Your Newsletter

This tutorial is an extension of the 'physician profiling' principle that Nitin covers on his blog. The blog post can be found here. Discover how to 'feature' physicians, patients and local busineses in your newsletter and use it as a tool to market your practice to other businesses by displaying copies of YOUR newletter in THEIR businesses and their waiting areas. This allows you to get in front of THEIR clients and patients.

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How To Collect Names And Email Addresses Of Your Patients

Learn how to quickly and easily add several patient emails to your account. Give them an incentive to say YES to the newsletter, and they will instantly be able to download the free patient books and will automatically start recieving your newsletter twice a month.

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How To Add Subscribers One by One and Also Upload Your Own Excel Sheet (Also Refer To Tutorial 14)

Learn how to add patient emails to your account. If you have a large email list of patients and want to upload it, you sure can, but should also watch tutorial 5 and be aware of our strict anti-spam policy. Please make sure your excel file is in CSV format and copy paste your information into our tempate. Please download our .CSV (MS Excel) template for multiple email upload. You can also view a picture of our template by clicking here.

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How To Convert Website Visitors To Newsletter Subscribers

Patients can sign up on your website with their name and email address and become your newsletter subscribers. You can also automatically add them to 'autoresponder email' sequences. You get a 'sign up box' for your newsletter, which tranforms your website into a lead generation tool!

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"Patient Stimulator Ebooks" - Incentives For Patients To Say YES To Your Newsletter

Learn how to use and customize the done-for-you incentives for patients to become your newsletter subscribers. This unique strategy encourages patients to become lifetime subscribers of your newsletter and it positions you as THE premier provider.

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Use Autoresponder Sequences To Communicate With Patients

Discover how to use automated emails sequences to patients with complete control over content and intervals. Imagine a "New Patient Welcome System", "Discharged Patient Thank You System" and a "Past Patient Reactivation System"

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Adding Instant Patient Newsletter To Your Website In Minutes

Learn how to add email stimulator codes to your website and enable patients to sign up on your site!

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How To Maximize Your Active vs Awaited Subscribers

Learn how to use the verification email option, maximize the number of active vs awaited subscribers and improve the 'acceptance ratio' of your verification emails

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How To Convert Your Newsletter To .PDF Format

With the click of a button, you can transform your fully customized newsletter into a PDF file, which you can print and hand out to patients, or fax to physicians.

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How To Send a Personalized Broadcast

Send an email to your patients, customized with 'personalization fields' that will reflect their name within the email. This unique ability gives you an unprecented level of customization when communicating with patients!ion to your account.

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How To Send Your Newsletter As A Fax To Doctors!

Generate a PDF file and send it as a fax to one or more physicians with the click of a button! If you are faxing to multiple physicians, watch Tutorial 5 also and be aware of our strict anti-spam policy. Please make sure your excel file is in CSV format and copy paste your information into our tempate. Please download our .CSV (MS Excel) template for multiple fax upload. You can also view a picture of our template by clicking here.

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The Printable Preview Option

Are you going to print and hand out your newsletter to patients and physicians? Learn how to create a printer friendly version that can be printed or faxed with this tutorial.

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Your Newsletter NOW in MS Word!

You asked.. we listened. You can now download your newsletter in MS word with each update! Here is the step by step process on how to download and edit the word document and transform it into a high resolution PDF file (idea for printers and website downloads). This will allow you to take your newsletter marketing to the next level!

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Newsletter Scheduling Control, a 'Healthy Ratio' of Distribution and Newsletter Archives

The emailed newsletter is sent out on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month automatically by our system (delivery day). 2 days later, on a Wednesday (update day), the newsletter is updated with new content created by our team of 5 physical therapists and professional editors. This NEW newsletter is then sent out on the NEXT delivery date. You have almost 2 weeks (between the update day and the next delivery day) to preview, edit, print, fax the newsletter before it is sent out. AFTER the newsletter is sent out, it appears under 'Newsletter Archives' where you can AGAIN edit, preview, print and send by email. This gives you complete control over the content, delivery, frequency of your newsletter

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Coming Soon - Additional Strategies

This section is coming soon.

  Charmaine Azeez
"The Instant Patient Newsletter is overdue to our industry. It provides a perfect (and low-cost) way of staying in front of our patients in the midst of schedules that get tighter each and every day. This tool not only has the potential to further enhance a patient's opinion of the value of Physical Therapy, but also insures improved retention among active patients - and thus better outcomes. This is a resource you'll want to try!"

Charmaine Azeez, PT
Physicians Choice Rehab
  Francine Noël-Ford
"This is an excellent web-based marketing system for physical therapists. It helps remind the community about the importance of physical therapy and its benefits. I like the fact that this patient friendly newsletter allows me to remain in the mind of my patients post discharge, and this is a simple way to set yourself apart from other providers in the area. This system has the ability to improve direct access referrals and physician referrals, because it helps us build credibility in the eyes of the referring doctors.This is a significant, well thought out marketing plan and is a boon to the physical therapy community"

Francine Noël-Ford, PT
Back To Basics Physical Therapy
  Philip Chan
"This newsletter is a great tool to market to patients and doctors alike. The tips and secrets are very user friendly. I particularly like the refer-a-patient-click-here feature.This is a tool that has helped my practice significantly. What is most impressive is the fact that I get to speak to a live physical therapist when I call, and that this system is built and maintained by therapists. I feel I am in good hands, and always get the support I need to implement this marketing system. Since I started using Therapy Newsletter, patients have been giving me excellent feedback. There is really nothing I have to do, other than set up the system with my name, website information and logo. Instant Patient Newsletter does the rest. Thank you for this wonderful, much needed tool for physical therapists "

Philip Chan, PT
Hands On NJ Physical Therapy
  Alina Fish
"The Therapy Newsletter system has allowed me to remind my patients about the benefits of physical therapy on a consistent basis, without the need for me to dedicate time, energy and resources. I spent some time setting up my account, and am completely satisfied with the quality of content that is updated every other week and the automatic email delivery. This system stimulates direct access referrals and empowers me to stand out as the provider of choice in my community. I can introduce new products and services, which will help the reputation and the credibility of my clinic. Strongly recommended as the #1 marketing tool for your clinic."

Alina Fish, PT
Alina Fish Physical Therapy

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